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When it comes to weddings, every couple is different, some prefer to get away with just their nearest and dearest to celebrate with a small ceremony, whereas some love a big crowd, and a big party. But with Covid restrictions now in place our wedding couples have been left with two choices… Postpone your big party, or have a small intimate wedding with a maximum of 30 guests. We’re here to prove that small intimate weddings can be awesome, so read on for 10 reasons why an intimate wedding rocks!

The giving and receiving of rings

Flower photo created by prostooleh – www.freepik.com

You will get to celebrate you special day with only those who mean the world to you…

You can trim your guest list right down to the important few, whilst sparing the feelings of those who didn’t make the list.

You can spend more time with each of your guests…

After the big day, many couples agree that they just didn’t get to speak to everyone. With fewer guests around you, you’ll get to spend quality time with each of them.

You could rethink your venue…

Small guest numbers open up all sorts of opportunities for you venue wise… Galleries, vineyards, walled gardens, museums… There are so many venues out there that specialise in intimate weddings that you may have had to count out when your guest list was larger. Still in love with a big venue? Just rethink how you can use the space to make the venue feel more cosy and romantic?

Wedding ceremony setup - Chichester Harbour Hotel

An intimate wedding ceremony set up at Chichester Harbour Hotel

You can save money…

With fewer mouths to feed, and fewer favours to buy a small intimate wedding can end up saving you thousands! Having fewer guests may even make that dream five course meal a possibility!

You can make every guests feel extra special…

With a much smaller head count, every detail of your wedding day can be that much more tailored to your guests. Always wanted to make DIY favours, but couldn’t bear the thoughts of making a hundred and twenty of them? Well now’s your opportunity to go the extra mile for each guest attending. Or perhaps you would just like to be able to spend a bit more per head on an extra special favour.

Personalised Name Card in Cup Favour

An Autumn favour from The Wedding Print Shop

You’re more likely to find time to spend with your new spouse…

Many wedding couples regret not spending enough time with each other on their big day. Some even admit to only saying a few words to their significant other after their vows. With fewer people to entertain you’re far more likely to be able to steal some time away to spend in just the company of each other.

Your photos will be that much more special…

Herding a crowd of guests into group photos is the least fun part of any wedding day. Your group shots will be so much easier, but they’ll also take a lot less time allowing your photographer to spend far longer taking those beautiful intimate shots of you and your guests.

DIY is much more manageable…

All those handmade items, hand written place cards, beautifully folded napkins, or personalised favours become much more manageable with smaller numbers. Why not pick a specially chosen drink for each guest and have it waiting for them in their place at the table?

You can save for the perfect honeymoon…

With the amount of money you’ll be saving on the big day, that dream honeymoon of yours may become more of a reality. You could even put together a gift list of ‘honeymoon activities’ for guests who want to get you a special gift.

You and your guests will feel more relaxed…

There’s no doubt about it, even though it’s your big day, it’s only natural to worry about keeping your guests happy on your wedding day. With fewer guests to worry about and fewer introductions to make, everyone will feel more relaxed. There is even a good chance that most of your guests will already know each other, meaning that you can just sit back and enjoy the celebrations.

Bride & Groom Huddle by a Campfire

Get cosy by the fire… Photograph courtesy of Elena Popa Photography

So if you were in any doubt about having a small wedding, hopefully we have put your mind at ease and pointed out the benefits of staying intimate. You may even decide that you want a small intimate ceremony now, and a big party next year… Whatever your decision, we’re sure it will be right for you and wish you the perfect wedding day.


Feature Suppliers:

Chichester Harbour Hotel: www.harbourhotels.co.uk/chichester/weddings
The Wedding Print Shop: www.theweddingprintshop.co.uk
IC Photographics: www.icphotographics.co.uk
Elena Popa Photography: www.elenapopa.com

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