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When it comes to organising an event, most of us understand the importance of the food, music and venue. However, it’s often when it comes to the details that we come unstuck. Event furniture will influence everything, from how comfortable your guests feel while they are with you to the type of ambiance that you’re able to create. So, when it comes to adding furniture to your event, it’s important to get it right.

Comfort is always key

From a wedding where guests are likely to have been standing sporadically through a ceremony and reception to an event where everyone has been doing a lot of dancing, using furniture to provide comfort is crucial. Consider the seating that you offer, not as an afterthought but a key element in your planning. From dedicated seating areas with plump cushions, chairs or beanbags, to sofas and armchairs where people can relax and chat, use event furniture to create a relaxed and comfortable space so that your guests can really enjoy themselves.

Don’t forget the ambiance

As well as the right seating, lighting will also be crucial when it comes to creating the ideal ambiance for your event. There are so many ways in which lighting choices can have an impact on your event. For example, the wrong lighting may make a venue feel dark and claustrophobic and mean people are unable to see key features or happenings. Alternatively, it can make a room feel stark and unwelcoming. However, if you get the lighting right, it can be both a talking point for the event as well as a way to make people feel at ease.

Use the features of your venue

Many people opt for event furniture that suits an aesthetic ideal in their head, as opposed to the reality of the venue. If you work with the features that your venue has, rather than imposing furniture choices that don’t really go, you’ll be able to create a much more memorable look for your event. So, for example, choose furniture that matches the period of the building and place it where it will enable, not block, features. Enhance aesthetic elements, rather than minimising them, and make the most of the space.

Make the catering a priority

Food is often a big motivator for guests and you can use event furniture to enhance this part of the experience. From buffet tables and cake displays through to oyster bars and decadent platters, how you present and serve the food can have a big impact on the impression your guests are left with.

Be distinctive

Event furniture is a great way to make the occasion feel unique and memorable so don’t waste this with choices that are mediocre or generic. You can use everything, from seating through to lighting and food serving choices, to ensure that your event has plenty of personality.

When you’re designing an event, the furniture will be key to the experience. Hiring event furniture is simple and provides a range of choice that is more cost effective that buying – contact us to find out more.

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