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Whether you’re regularly hosting events, or your calendar tends to be more sporadic, the choice about whether to hire or buy furniture can loom large. On the one hand, if you own your own furniture then you always have access to it – but this can also create obligations for storage and maintenance that can be time consuming and expensive. Each organisation is different when it comes to whether hiring or buying is the best choice but these tips might help you to make up your mind.

Avoid the up front cost of new furniture

The expense involved in buying new furniture is often a significant factor. If you don’t have a substantial budget then you’ll be limited in your choices and may have to make compromises on aesthetic or comfort. There’s also the balance of spend and usefulness to consider – is there likely to be enough use from the purchase to justify the cost involved? If there isn’t, or the budget simply won’t stretch to covering the cost of new furniture, then hiring is often the better choice.

Transport and logistics

Another factor that could impact on whether hiring or buying is the right choice relates to the logistics involved. Most hire companies will handle the transport of hired furniture for you. So, if you’re looking to cut down on the amount of logistics you have to handle personally this can be a considerable benefit. Working with the right hire partner is essential, as reliability and timeliness will be key to ensuring that you get the most from this benefit.

More choice when you hire

If you require the same furniture every time then it does often make sense to buy furniture, as opposed to hiring it. However, if that’s not likely to be the case then hiring will give you more options and the opportunity to create a different aesthetic every time. When you hire you will also be able to select from a much wider range of different furniture choices, many of which might be out of your budget if you were looking to buy them instead. When you hire furniture you can usually choose from more up to date and unique pieces so you’ll have a lot more options when it comes to creating a specific atmosphere or look.

Maintenance and care

Another big advantage when it comes to furniture choices is that you don’t have to deal with storage and maintenance of hired furniture. If you’ve purchased furniture then you’ll not only need to find somewhere to keep this on a permanent basis, which can cause some serious space issues, but you’ll also be solely responsible for maintenance and upkeep. When you’re working with a furniture hire company this is not your responsibility – instead, every piece of furniture you hire arrives in mint condition and ready to use, maintained and cared for by someone else.

There are many advantages to hiring furniture, as opposed to buying it. If you’d like to discuss your options then please get in touch.

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