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There’s something magical about an outdoor wedding, especially in the heart of the British summer. However, the logistics involved are inevitably slightly more complicated when you have factors such as the weather to consider. If you’re keen to plan the dream outdoor wedding then these essential tips will help.

Choose a theme

Outdoor events of all types benefit from themes and this is a great way to make your wedding distinctive and unique. You might choose a theme that is personal to you as a couple – such as an itinerary of all the places in the world that you’ve been to together – or you could tap into trending themes, such as vintage or a tea party style wedding.  When you’re choosing a theme for your wedding, find something that has meaning to you and which is also realistic and achievable.

  • A theme from your shared life will make your wedding a personal and memorable event
  • Be creative – you don’t have to limit yourself to the way that others have interpreted the theme
  • Focus on your favourite things – that could be BBQ, cinema, music festivals or a fun fair. All of these make great wedding themes
  • Pick a theme that is achievable on your budget – if it requires a lot of catering equipment, funfair rides or a big screen to make the theme work, make sure you have the budget for it

Check the weather

The weather in the UK will always be somewhat unpredictable and even a wedding scheduled for prime summer months such as July or August could be affected by wind or rain. You can’t control the weather but you can control how prepared you are for it. Make sure you have shelter, warm blankets and options for guests if the weather does take a turn. Coping with the British weather could make your wedding even more memorable as long as you’re prepared.

Tick the legal boxes

The more inventive or extravagant your wedding, the more likely you are to run into some red tape. Depending on the land you’re using, the surrounding area and what you’re doing at the wedding, you may need to have permits or permissions in place. Make sure you know what kind of access you need to ensure for the site and if there are likely to be any restrictions when it comes to activity and/or noise levels.

Get some help

From event organisers to working with an event furniture hire company able to create a unique aesthetic for your wedding, there is an army of people ready to help you bring your dream wedding to life. When you’re choosing support and suppliers for your wedding, make sure you research their past work, what they can offer and what other clients thought of completed jobs.

We offer a range of catering products for hire to help make your dream outdoor wedding a reality. Contact us to find out more about how we could make this an event to remember.

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