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Chairs are a crucial part of event furniture for many different reasons, from comfort to aesthetics. Anyone planning an event, whether that’s a wedding or an office Christmas party, will need to hire the right chairs to ensure guests at the event are properly catered for. Finding chairs with the right look, feel and cost is not always as simple as it sounds.

Start by creating your own brief

It’s much easier to find the right chairs for an event if you start by knowing exactly what you’re looking for. If you have a comprehensive brief ready before you begin looking at your options then you can make accurate comparisons and you’ll be able to see all your available options. Your initial brief should include information such as:

  • The number of chairs that you need – this will affect both pricing and choice
  • The colour and style of furniture you’re looking for – simple and modern? Classic and ornate? Look at the overall aesthetic of the event and pick a style that won’t clash.
  • The type of chair that would be suitable – perhaps you need chairs that are purely for dining, or seminar seats that are more padded and comfortable.
  • Your budget – cost will be an important factor in ensuring that your event is successful so it’s a good idea to define this up front.

The search for the best chairs

The more organised you are when it comes to the search for event chairs, the less time and money you’ll have to spend seeking out the right furniture.

Do some research on your options

You could look at reviews and testimonials from other customers online or see what a search engine brings up when you type in the name of an event furniture company. Asking around friends and family is also a very useful way to get personalised recommendations about companies others have used before. If the furniture hire is for a work event then it may be worth looking at the furniture partners the business has used previously – even just to know who to avoid.

Shop around when it comes to cost

The costs involved in chair hire will be a major factor so make sure you ask for this information – and shop around so that you have a wide range of cost quotes to evaluate when it comes to choosing the right option. Make sure you get a total costs quote that has no hidden fees but also enables add-ons – for example, cost increases if your numbers increase at the last minute.

Prioritise reliability

Aside from cost, reliability is probably the most important factor when it comes to choosing a chair hire company to work with. If the chairs for your event are delivered late – or not at all – that could make your life incredibly stressful on the day.

Pick up the phone

Particularly if you’re making a sizeable commitment, having some personal interaction is always a good idea – it’s reassuring and establishes a more trustworthy relationship.

If you’re looking for stylish, well priced chairs for your event we can help – contact Co-Ordinations Catering Hire today on 01293 553040 to talk about your options.

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