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With the year 2019 drawing to a close, and 2020 set to be a big year for weddings, we wanted to take a moment to look back at some of our favourite trends to have hit the wedding scene over the last 12 months. So here is out run down of our favourite wedding trends of 2019.

Earthy hues

Natural tones and earthy hues have been a big hit this year. With pastel shades being pushed to one side, plenty of browns, greys and ochres have emerged in the forms of makeup tones, bridesmaid dresses and even dried flower bouquets.

In particular, we’ve seen the boho style soar in popularity. Wooden structure, Pampas grass, rattan textures and shells have all been spotted, creating the relaxed vibe that the 2019 Bride seems to be reaching for.

Rustic tableware

Favourite wedding trends of 2019, rustic tableware, at Patricks Barn

A rustic table setting at Patricks Barn. Image courtesy of Le Moment Capturer, flowers by Dove & Myrtle.

Rustic tableware has taken over this year, with round tables and white linen being put on the back burner. Vintage trestle tables and wooden chairs are being adorned with coloured crockery and lots of foliage. The long trestle in particular has become immensely popular, with many couples opting for a more family-feast style of food service.

Low centrepieces

Favourite wedding trends of 2019, low centrepieces, at the Southampton Harbour Hotel

A wedding table setting with low centrepieces at the Southampton Harbour Hotel. Image courtesy of Top Button Weddings, flowers by Simply Flowers.

Everyone loves a good natter at a wedding reception, whether it’s catching up with old friends or meeting new ones! This is why we love that low centrepieces and floral displays have become the in-thing, after all, no-one wants to have to lean around a huge vase to speak to the person opposite!

Dessert tables

Who doesn’t love a dessert buffet! Whilst they have been popular at many restaurants for years, this trend is only just starting to emerge on the wedding scene. We’ve been seeing huge tables, laden with cakes, pies, brownies and other sweet treats (not forgetting the cheese board of course!)

Floral accessories

Flowers are no longer just for bouquets and centrepieces. Whilst they have been growing in popularity for hair pieces for a while now, we are also seeing them being used to create necklaces, drop earrings and even the ‘flower-boa’!

Outdoor ceremonies

Favourite wedding trends of 2019, outdoor ceremonies

An outdoor ceremony. Image courtesy of Hayley Rose Photography, flowers by Tigers to Lilies.

Whether using a licensed structure for a legal ceremony, or having a celebrant-led wedding, we’re seeing outdoor ceremonies hit the wedding scene big time. There are so many beautiful venues around with gorgeous outdoor spaces, plus beaches, private gardens or woodlands. This year, nowhere has been off-limits!

Whether using straw bales (have you seen our fake ones!) for a relaxed vibe, or formal chairs to create a more traditional set up, outdoor ceremonies sure are beautiful!

Weddings are becoming so much more unique and personal, and 2019 has definitely been a great year for couples pushing the boundaries.

What have your favourite wedding trends of 2019 been?

One thing is for certain, we are all very excited to see what 2020 brings!

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