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Whether you can’t wait for your next birthday – or it’s creating a bit of existential dread – it’s always important to mark the moment a new birth year begins. From parties that go all in to be memorable to those that quietly make their mark, there are many ways that you can make sure your birthday is one to remember this year.

The grown up sleep over

Remember as a kid when you used to show up at a friend’s house and eat popcorn and watch films in your PJs? This birthday party idea is basically the adult version of that and ideal if you’re looking for a gentle way to celebrate. Simply invite your favourite people and do some of your favourite things, whether that’s Snakes & Ladders, wine tasting, cake baking or watching Rom Coms.

Get outside

Depending on the weather, there are lots of opportunities to celebrate your birthday in the great outdoors. A picnic lunch can be an easy way to avoid booking bars or restaurants – have a BBQ and ask everyone to bring their own alcohol. You could also organise a hike for your birthday or head to the nearest beach. A birthday sports day is a great idea for the super active among you while stargazing can be an unusual theme if you’re looking to celebrate at night.

Pamper everyone

Pampering and birthdays provide a great pairing and you don’t have to spend a fortune to make sure everyone has a great time. Whether you book a luxury spa experience for your party for the day or create a pamper haven in your own home, you can treat everyone to some blissful time out that is ideal for welcoming in the next year of your life with the people you love.

Cue the cocktails

There’s something utterly decadent about a cocktail party so if hedonism is a theme you’d like to channel for your birthday this year, look to some form of mixology. You might theme the party around your favourite cocktail, whether that’s a Cosmopolitan or an Old Fashioned, or you could have a cocktail created in your honour – and named after you. Don’t forget to combine with your favourite food – pizza, cake or delicate canapés are always popular.

Hold a makers party

If you and your friends love to create, celebrate your birthday this year with an event that’s all about making things. From pottery and paintings, to jewellery making or even DIY, there are lots of ways to make a theme like this your own. Best of all, when the event is over, everyone will have something to take home with them too.

Choose your favourite theme

It could be an era, a film, a piece of pop culture or even a colour – themes that require everyone to get dressed up and join in ensure that all your guests will feel involved. This can create a fantastic atmosphere as well as making it a birthday to remember.

These are just a few ways to have a great birthday this year. Contact us to help with all your birthday party event furniture needs.

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