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Corporate event organisers have always got a kick out of planning World Cup themed events. After all, there’s nothing quite like the ‘beautiful game’ for bringing people together. And an international tournament on this scale guarantees 100X the agony and the ecstasy.

But, there’s just one small stone in the football boot if you’re getting the ball rolling this year. Why? Because there’s more than the usual set pieces to think about. The thing is, World Cup events are landing alongside the annual Christmas carousing. And as a result, the demands on venues and event suppliers are unprecedented.

So, you need to be on you’re A+ game for World Cup themed events this year. And here’s some inspiration to help prevent any home goals.

A group of people waving their arms at a corporate event

What Event Supplies Do You Need for Various World Cup Themed Events?

Corporate Entertaining 

World Cup themed events are winning opportunities to bond with your clients on a deeper, more social level. So, you’re going to want to impress them with quirky, delicious, memorable food and drinks options.

Perhaps you fancy going all in with Machbus as a nod to this year’s host nation? It’s described by Wikipedia as “consisting of rice, meat and vegetables, is the national dish of Qatar, typically made with either lamb or chicken and is slow-cooked to give it a depth of flavour”.

Or perhaps you prefer a ‘pie and pint’ vibe?

Either way, having a great event hire partner in the wings will ensure you’ve got all eventualities covered, such as –

A group of people waving their arms at a corporate event

Double Duty Christmas Party World Cup Themed Events 

Many teams are choosing hybrid World Cup events and Christmas parties rolled in to one this year, which begs the burning question… Festive food? Football food? Or a fusion?

Are you going down the turkey and tinsel route? Or, does a mash-up of turkey and stuffing barms, hotdogs, burgers whet your half-time whistle?

Whatever food choices you make, there’s a higher likelihood of success if you’ve paid due care and attention to additional details like –

  • Napkins in a range of colours to represent the national flags of different teams

A group of people in football shirts celebrating a match

Team Get Togethers 

World Cup themed events are perfect excuses to assemble your squad for epic soirees that will be talked about for years.

What do you think will get them in good voice for cheering their teams to victory? Will it involve Brazilian cachaça, Danish akvavit, French wine, Japanese sake or Spanish sangria?

What’s for sure is that free-flowing drinks are a non-negotiable of any self-respecting World Cup events, complemented by –

  • The right glassware for raising a mojito, a mulled wine or those all-important toasts

Rows of chairs in a function room

At Co-ordination Event Hire, we’ve got all the frills and furbelows for trophy worthy World Cup themed events. But there’s not long to go till kick-off. So, get in touch soon for a chat about your event and what you need to make it a sitter.

Qatari cuisine, Wikipedia

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